Systems & Procedures
If you are “not a systems person” or don’t like procedures at work, read on.
2022 was the year that I dedicated to slow down to not only strengthen our business’s foundation, but also further create and implement systems and procedures to help my team grow.
As the business owner, in the beginning years I did everything without looking up and just hustled. I didn’t write down how to do things or update systems because I knew it all in my head and could do it. And truthfully, its’ hard to get out of your head what you know for others to know, but once you realize that you have great people on your team who WANT to help you grow, it changes everything! I’ve learned that others LOVE systems, instructions, and want to meet our expectations, but need clear guidance and tips for success that you’ve accumulated over your experiences.
That was the switch for me. It totally empowered me to want to empower them and teach them everything I know.
So, I spent this year going through the archives cleaning up our Dropbox, Google Drive and together, getting it all organized into folders that made sense for everyone.
We began cross-training further and not from memory, but by using the systems as our guides and improving procedures as needed. And I have seen transformation, change, and results simply by sharing what I know, with others who want to learn and take it to another level!
If you’re not a systems person, guarantee others on your team are, so do it for them!
erin’s tip
If you can create or edit one system per day, you’re on your way. It’s totally overwhelming when you think about it all, so just look at one thing someone else does each day, and work on that system. It will take a lot of patience, but after doing it for one year, you will look back and be thankful you stopped and took the time to slow down, to speed others up.