Tips From Other Working Moms
I recently went to the Wahine Forum where I sat with other working moms and we discussed going back and forth between work and home and sat in on a session of wholeness. Here is a recap of my takeaways that I’d like to share with you!
Tips From Other Working Moms
If you have a hard time leaving work, schedule your kids’ activities for times right after work so you have to leave!
Make sure you have supportive coworkers.
Learn to accept the things you can’t finish. It will be there tomorrow.
Keep home, home and separate from work.
Do something to decompress every day like reading a book with a happy ending.
If you work from home, talk to your kids and let them know you need them to respect your time and space when you are in the role of a working professional.
Ask others for help. You will feel so much better!
You’ve got to learn to let go.
It takes longer to get unstick than to stay well.
Say no. Make time blocks in your calendar so it won’t be personal, you simple don’t have the time.
Be prepared for the people you will be with.
Put travel time in your calendar.
Have an auto reply in your email if necessary or don’t jump to be the first to reply to those big group email messages.
Unsubscribe to “Junk” email or have a separate email for all of your coupons.
We shouldn’t should on ourselves.
Exercise while watching Netflix.
Make sure you have a board of directors to help guide you and this can include your husband, daughter, family members!
How we show up matters.
Think about what brings you joy.
Be your authentic self.
Bring order from chaos.
Wholeness is not just for the individual but from the context of community.
Say no with grace and kindness. Be thankful for opportunities.
Show up with your whole heart.
Find your tribe. Have an accountability buddy.
You know you got your tribe when you feel your vibe.
Take a clarity break. Put it on your calendar.
What should you start, stop, or continue doing.
Define what success is to you.
Being perfect is not the end goal.
Ask, “What am I doing for my future self?”
Be honest and upfront about deadlines.
Don’t wait until you get sick.
You can’t be a doormat if you don’t lie down.
Just be present where you are.
Know your worth.
We will always have some guilt and fear.
Empower someone else. Bring other people up.
If you feel incompetent, then do some research and work in that space.
Boundaries does not equal judgement. Don’t take the no personally.
Champion others who set boundaries.
We don’t have to be a certain way to be a CEO, we can be ourselves.
There’s lots of opportunities out there. Go and work somewhere where you will be valued.
Check, the narrative in your head may not exist.
Start by taking care of yourself.
Work smarter not harder.
Wholeness will make you better at your job.
Everyone’s facing a battle we can’t see.
Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.
erin’s tip
Everyone is unique and we all have different things going on so take what works for YOU!