
Having a place to put things down from my brain, helps me.

I don’t know what it is, but it’s like there are a million ideas running through my head and I need to put it pen to paper.

Sometimes I have thoughts I am trying to process through and writing helps me just let it all out and then look back at it and try to make some sense of it. Sometimes I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and need to pour out to God in appreciation and reflect on the moment. Other times I’m filled with grief and frustration and need to cry out to God and ask questions, pray, and seek Him with all of my heart. Sometimes I feel a tug on my heart to pray for someone or get a text from multiple friends with prayer requests and need a place to note it all down.

All I know is that journaling has been a part of my life for many years and it is something that really, really helps me.

I personally love seeing a blank page and getting to just go wherever my mind and heart in the moment takes me. To write without thinking, without rules, without anyone watching or reading.

But I know for some, it is hard to start with a blank page and so a part of my journaling I do daily, I’ll share with you here.

It takes just 15 minutes a day. You can break it up into:

5 minutes in the morning, say 5am.

5 minutes in the afternoon about 1pm.

5 minutes in the evening about 9pm.


First is “Focus” in the morning and this is where you put down three things that are a priority for you to get done today.





Second is a mid-day check with one thing that brought you joy or peace today. One thing that totally frustrated you. And one person you can pray for.





At the end of the day is a reflection of gratitude. It’s the one I’ve mentioned before in my post, “Gratitude Journal,” of bullet points listing five small things that happened in the day that you are grateful for. Little things you noticed which will keep your heart focused to always look for things to be grateful for.

Hope this helps you to get started. Think of me as not only a chocolate friend, but a journaling friend, who will be doing just this, every day, continuing into the new year.

You may find that journaling will help you too!

erin’s tip

Just give it a try with me! 90 days…January through end of March.


Financial Wellness - Monthly Budgeting


Year End Reflection