Choose a Chore for More $
New home routine!
My kids have recently begun asking me for money. Besides the usual school fundraisers and field trips where we gladly give them money, they are starting to have more snack sales, book fairs, craft fairs, and opportunities to buy things they want. And with Christmas coming up, they are starting to think about things they want to buy, but realize they need money to do so.
And since in our home, we feel that their daily routines and chores (put away laundry, homework, clean up, etc) are something they should do to contribute as a member of our household, we are creating a list of more chores as options they can select to earn extra money.
We’re calling it, “Choose a Choose to Make More!” :p
Here are some examples of those chores that we know they can do with very little assistance or independently:
5 year old:
Vacuum the hairs off of the bathroom floor
Replenish toilet paper rolls in the bathroom
Straighten footwear outside
7 year old:
Wash a load of clothes
Wash and cook rice
Water the plants in the house
They are also continuing to come up with their own ideas since this is a new routine in our home. We want to them lots of options so they feel empowered to have a choice of what they want to do, and feel a sense of responsibility since some things on their list are only on their list so it’s their “job” to do it.
Ok wish us luck! It feels like a chore to prep this “Choose a Chore” chart, but they seem excited, empowered, and motivated by their opportunity to make their own money to get more of what they want. Fortunately or unfortunately for these kids, their mom is an entrepreneur so every dollar counts and nothing is free. ;p I’m using this as a lesson for them to learn about the costs of what they want, the sacrifices choices, and work it takes to get it, and the different rewards received for different kinds of work.
Oh and for me as a parent, not gonna lie, I am truly super excited to get some more help around the house!!! ;)
erin’s tip
Introduce chores and have your kids join you in doing some early on so they aren’t shocked to find that it’s something they have to suddenly do. Even if they aren’t really helping, make them feel like they are helping from a toddler age so they see what you need to do daily, are slowly a part of it, and not view it as a bad thing, but time spent together. Most importantly, keep a good attitude about it so they don’t look at it with a negative mindset before even beginning. (Honestly, I’m still working on this myself!)
This is a new one for us so if you have tips for me, please share! Thank you!