Brown Baskets
You guys…this is my best cleaning tip ever!
I really love clean floors and cleared countertops, but always struggle with stuff strewn around everywhere!
If I were to give you one tip for cleaning that has worked for me, (because trust me, a lot of things also didn’t work for me) this would be it! Two words:
Brown Baskets.
I had a lot of left over brown baskets from the chocolate shop and tried an experiement. I put one in each of the three rooms in our house (the living room, kids’ bedroom, and our bedroom).
Anything in those rooms found on the floor or that weren’t put away, were simply tossed into the nearest brown basket. It instantly cleared the floor and made the house look cleaner!
Then, before any TV time at the end of the day or a fun activity, the “brown baskets’ had to be emptied. It was a very visible, measurable and therefore a clear goal that could be easily seen if progress was made or not, with a reward at the end.
I’ve been doing this now for a few years since this was a doable routine for even 3 year olds, and it seems to continue to be working!
erin’s tip:
Find something that works for you and your family like this “brown basket” technique and find any basket, container, or bag that works for you and rename it “blue bag" etc. I find a lot of great baskets at TJ Maxx! Happy quick cleaning!