The Smell of Garlic Fries
Ever got a whiff of some food and then the memories came rushing back?
That’s what happened when I ordered some garlic fries from Big City Diner. As I opened my take-out container in the car, the smell completely filled the space and clinged onto my clothes. It’s what used to happen during my shift when I worked there part-time 20 or so years ago and all of the good memories hit me at once like the garlic!
I remember I would always leave work smelling like the food there and their potent soaked and soggy garlic fries, were among my favorite.
Being taken back to those times in an instant reminded me of how quickly life passes us by. How much I’ve learned and grown since those simple first days of a part-time job. It’s as if God was letting me re-experience that time in my life, just a very small part of it, through my sense of smell.
Are there any fond memories you wish you could go back to?
Let’s live our life, peace by piece, knowing that even though we can’t go back in time, small things, like the smell of garlic fries, can take us back for a bit and we can remember.
“When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.” -Ecclesiastes 7:14