Learning Curve

There has been a lot of new learning going on in just the first six weeks of he new year and I am reminded that there’s always a learning curve!

I learned about the learning curve from a teacher in school back in the day and it is defined as “the rate of a person's progress in gaining experience or new skills.”

I tend to always forget that anything new, takes time to learn. As I train new hires and learn to work with new people, explore new roles for myself within the company, and learn to work with new software, I can see I’m moving a whole lot slower than I’d like and am craving speed and a smooth drive.

This impatience reminds me of sitting in traffic, or being stuck behind a slow car, or driving someone else’s vehicle that you’re not used to.

You go slower.

And it can feel frustrating because it’s not your usual speed, but then you glance at your dashboard and the speed limit sign you just drove past and realized you are actually going just under speed limit…which is what you’re supposed to be driving at! We’re technically not supposed to be going way below it, above it, or even at it, but just under it. That’s what that speed limit sign is…a guide!

Those speed limits, guardrails, double solid lines, , and other things are actually put there to protect us and help us stay at a speed we can control, stay in our lane, and to prevent us from overtaking those around us.

I had to laugh out loud because I think God is giving me a lesson (yet again) to slow down and stay in my lane. Yes, try other lanes, but go slower, check around me first, put on my signal, and wait for the double solid to turn to dashes before going. He’s reminding me to watch my speed and be okay with going “slow.”

Learning something new does that to you. It forces you to slow down and be more aware of everything around you.

So I suppose that’s the blessing in being forced to slow down, hire, train, and learn something new. The learning curve is there and it’s okay. Taking it easy is better than crashing. And remember, you’re not the only one on the road!

What are you currently having to learn or adapt to that may be challenging?

Let us find peace by piece in knowing life is constantly about learning new things and there is a learning curve, but on the way up, expect to slow down and let Him control the steering wheel!

“Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.” -Proverbs 9:9


In The Word