School Drop Off
You know how they say the days are long, but the years are short? So true!
If you’re a parent too, let’s treasure this time we have.
We’re settling into our new routine of school morning drop offs and it’s the first time ever that both of our kids are at the same place being dropped off at the same time. Prior to these 7 years, it was one at a babysitter, one at preschool or one at preschool and one at elementary school. Multiple commutes and different routines of racing from the gate, waving at the “bye bye” window, peeking through the glass one more time, etc.
We’ve come a long way since the good byes at the sitter before work as they cried with outstretched arms waddling to the locked door or trying to wiggle out of the sitter’s arms as I had to walk away with tears in my eyes. The kids don’t cry anymore, but honestly, my eyes still fill up with tears as they walk away.
This morning, it was because both kids jumped out of the van after we shouted “Be the best you and love others too” and big sis, grabbed little bro’s hand, and she walked him to class. Neither of them looking back as I longingly looked at them hoping they would turn around for one more wave. But nope…they had each other and they were happy to be moving up and on in the world I guess.
I wish I didn’t care so much about holding up traffic in the drop off line for just 10 more seconds and took out my phone to snap that photo of them in this precious season. Maybe I’ll do it tomorrow. ;P
It’s happening. They are growing up. And it really all does happen way too fast.
If you have the opportunity to drop your kids off in the morning before work, do it.
erin’s tip:
Create your special memories and routine for when you part ways at drop off. At first it helps them, but later on, it will help you!