Now hiring!
Join our chocolate fam!
It is time!
After 10 years of growing our business, we are ready to find that very special someone to help lead and support our team into the next season!
Choco le`a has been the most challenging and rewarding job that I have truly loved the past decade, and am ready to dream bigger, but need help as I let go some of my current responsibilities to continue building our future.
I am looking for a full-time, on-site in Mānoa, manager I can trust, to help me execute my vision, float between all of the things to ensure a smooth operation, and care for the people I love!
For the job description and to apply, I must either know you or you must be highly referred by someone I know. You must also be able to fully embrace our mission of “Bringing peace to our world, one chocolate at a time” and align with our core values to be faithful, grateful, humble, respectful, joyful, and honest.
leadership & execution
You will work directly with me as the owner of Choco le`a, to execute the vision, specials, collaborations, events, and new initiatives. Lead our team by serving and supporting and fiercely protecting the company culture we’ve built.
operations & accountability
You will oversee a team of 8 in all departments from chocolate production, inventory, research and development, shop and online sales, wholesale and custom orders, events, hands-on classes, tours, media, marketing and more, to ensure everyone is cohesively moving forward together and on time.
sales & marketing
You will be a friendly face and voice leading sales, marketing communications, social media, and design by getting hands-on and working cohesively with others to meet company goals.
Why join?
Other than being around freshly made, high quality, artisan chocolate every day, when else can you say you were the manager of an award-winning chocolate shop in Honolulu Hawai`i? We’ve been in business for 14 years and this is your opportunity to lead and support our team into the next season!
We need you to do a very important job in a very beloved small business! Always wanted to experience what it was it was like being an entrepreneur without starting it up and assuming all the risks involved? This is for you!
We will take care of you with a steady competitive salary + bonus opportunities, medical, dental, drug, and vision coverage, retirement, paid time off, and more! Oh and chocolates of course!
I will teach you everything I can and you will love it because you will love the people we get to work with! From the most hard-working, committed, and kind-hearted team, to the most generous and grateful customers/chocolate friends to our suppliers and partners we have long-standing relationships with, to the community we care for and who cares for us back….the people you will get to meet is the sweetest benefit of all!