
Do you ever notice when construction on the road begins, “detour” signs start popping up redirecting you on how to get to where you originally wanted to go, but in a different way?

If only life were like that and God gave us the quick and easy detour directions with the arrows! :P

When we know we’re on a detour and thrown off the straight road we were trying to head down, we often can’t figure out if we are supposed to find another way to head in that same direction, or go a different direction, or sometimes feel so lost that we just can’t even figure out how to get anywhere anymore.

That’s what this sign reminded me of when after weeks of seeing a “rough road ahead” sign, though we couldn’t see what was happening further ahead, the construction got closer and cones started to block off that “rough road.” Instead, these “detour” signs started popping up in front of our shop.

Do you feel like you’re on a detour, but don’t have the arrows helping you know where to go?

Let’s find peace by piece in knowing that sometimes, God allows the detours and wants us to seek His divine direction. After all, we may be on the wrong road, heading in the wrong direction, or He simply wants to remind us to turn back to Him and seek Him rather than driving autopilot down the same old road.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths" -Proverbs 3:5-6


No Loitering


Rough Road Ahead