One Illustration

I have written a children’s book that has been sitting in my “to do one day” pile on my desk for over a year! It’s waiting to get out in the world, but first it’s waiting on me.

I keep putting other things first. Things I don’t really want to do as much, but “need” to because it has more immediate consequences, is bugging me more, or is what will pay the bills and keep the business running.

But on Thanksgiving morning, I woke up dreaming of the story in my heart that I wanted to tell and told myself to just spend 1 hour taking the next step. Finding an illustrator.

With limited time, I searched the Internet and scanned over just one illustration posted per person, to see which one would capture and hold my attention.

We’re all so busy, so focused on our own agendas, with a pile of to do’s that if someone doesn’t show us or give us one image that is so captivating to grab our attention, we will blaze right by it.

The funny thing about illustrators in children’s book is from the perspectives of kids, they will spend a long time looking at the pictures. They will pause. They will look at the details. They will appreciate all of the lines, the brush strokes, the little things that us adults will glance over then flip the page.

I felt as if God was telling me this morning to slow down and look at the pictures.

Do we stop to look at God’s illustrations that he created all around us?

What is the one thing sitting in your pile that needs some attention?

Let’s find peace by piece in knowing that if we work at it little by little and give it a little attention, over time, we will find that we have a beautiful new story to tell.

“Listen to this, Job; stop and consider God’s wonders.” -Job 37:!4


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